Referrals to Fundy Dental Centre
A referral is not required for treatment at our clinic, however we do take referrals on a regular basis from other dental offices.
We work closely with all area dental offices and know how important continuing care is for both the patient and dental providers. Patients who have a regular dentist but are interested in specific treatment at our office should consult with their own dentist first. Then their dentist can send a referral to our clinic for review. Once the referral has been processed by our staff, and approved by one of our dentists, we will contact the patient and book them in for a consult or directly in for treatment.
Instructions for Referring Dentists
Referring Dentists:
To submit a referral, please complete the attached form and follow the below steps.
Fill out our referral form:
Provide us with any x-rays:
Specify tooth range
Specify dates images were taken. ​(Dating format example: Nov-14-2023)
Then send the referral & radiographs to us via:
Fax: 902-681-9115
Email: referral@fundydental.com
Once the referral has been processed by our staff, and approved by one of our dentists, we will contact your patient and book them in for a consult or directly in for treatment.
After we have seen your patient, we will send any clinical notes and images we take back to your office.
Please call us if you have any questions. Thank you for your referral!